Don’t aim for a high credit score. Aim to have the freedom to cash flow your life.
A high credit score allows you to take on more debt. But what happens if you lose your job? Or if you become disabled? Are you prepared to handle your debt payments with a reduced income?
Cash flowing and paying for things in advance frees up the stress which unforseen events can bring. Take control of your wallet.
Do you want a big house? Start with something small and work your way up. Buy a condo for $70K (Virginia) and in ten years you have it paid off at $706 per month. Make that payment $1000 and do it even quicker. Whether you sell it or make it an income property (rent it out), you are in a better position to put more cash money into that big home you wanted instead of taking on a huge mortgage.
Do you want a nice car? Pay cash for something affordable now then save up the monthly payments and interest you would have paid through financing. In four years, that $600 car payment is now $28,800 to drop on a brand new car.
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