Standing in the middle of a Northeast winter with no coat on is not likely to cure a cold. Having a hole in your net and expecting to catch fish is a little far fetched. In this same way, maintaining toxic relationships is not conducive to your relational health or individual growth.
No relationship will be rainbows and butterflies everyday, but they should not make you feel like there is a constant cloud or darkness. The drama and negativity they supply may provide a bit or a lot of entertainment but if it’s too frequent or continual, the energy you invest in damage control could likely be better spent elsewhere.
Of course they were brought into your life for a reason, but that doesn’t mean they were meant to stay there. And if they are supposed to be there, they may need to elevate/change themselves or in what capacity they exist in your life.
Take inventory or your relationships with family, friends, and significant others. Ask yourself, “Is this person bringing me down more than they are lifting me up?” If so, based on what you know about them, decide what is the best way to influence positive change in the relationship.
“Honesty without tact or compassion is cruelty.”