Having a case of the Mondays? Feeling like you are struggling to get in the swing of things as your mind wonders to the holiday events set for later this week?
If so, you may need to do something to stimulate the mind and what better way than playing a game or two. Not only are certain games great to escape boredom but studies have shown that they help awaken the mind. Also they have been proven to be beneficial for cognitive functions (memory, processing speed) and reducing the risk of dementia.
Examples of these games are crossword puzzles, memory, and my fellow mathletes, Sudoku and Kakuro. There are booklets available for those who prefer a more hands on approach as well as apps on the go use. Keeping a booklet in your bag or office makes it easily accessible when in between tasks, commuting on public transit, or waiting in line at the store.
Be conscious of the amount of time you allot to the game to ensure it does not interfere with time needed for other priorities. And in our busy schedules a game may not seem important but our mental health deserves just as much attention as our physical health. So think of it as a routine task like brushing your teeth or eating your vegetables. The benefits are so worth the investment.
#mentalmonday #health #holistic #selfcare #monday