I cannot eat mass amounts of unhealthy food, refuse to workout, and still lose weight.
I cannot learn to speak another language if I don’t practice it regularly.
I cannot be irresponsible with my money, refuse to create a budget and expect to gain wealth.
Even if you increase your income, failure to learn the basic principles of handing your personal finances will result in you feeling like you never have enough money.
If someone has been provided the resources to improve his/her life and doesn’t take hold of it there are two issues: 1) immaturity and/or lack of character; and 2) a feeling of hopelessness that the resource won’t work for him/her.
You cannot not help someone who is unwilling to help him/herself. All you can do is keep feeding good information. And say, “When the stupid catches up with you, because you won’t deal with it, and you’re ready to do the work, I’ll be here to guide you out of your mess but I won’t enable you or do it on your behalf.”
If you want to live a life that is different from those around you, you have to actually do something different. People will think you’re weird or crazy but that’s their own insecurity trying to drag you backward so you can stay stuck in the rut with them.
Be different. Be strange. Be abnormal.