“My dad was diabetic so I probably will be diabetic too.”
“My kids don’t need to chase nonsense dreams. They just need to get a regar job like everyone else and get their heads out of the clouds.”
“She is irresponsible just like her mom. Her kids probably won’t do any better.”
“That’s so weird. Why don’t you just do what everyone else is doing.”
Nothing you or anyone else claims over your life has power unless you allow it to.
Nothing your mother, father, or grandparents experienced has to be the end-all-be-all of your life.
There are illnesses and diseases that we can’t avoid. But what takes our body does not have to be given power of our mind and spirit.
We may have been born in poverty. But we don’t have to die there.
If everyone around you is content standing still while you are trying to move, their advice about how you plan to move do is not valid.
You are bound only to what you commit yourself to. You can be greater and do better than you can imagine. God has designed you for something amazing. Don’t be limited by the thoughts, actions and ideas of finite humans when you are loved by an infinite God.